Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Emilya:The Magic Spell

Billy and Tom pretended to make a magic potion.
They found a black cooking pot.
Billy trow his toenail clipping and his smelly sock.
Tom found seven dead flis and a spider web.
They dance aronnd the pot and chanting.
"Abrakedabra"Billy called.
Nothing has happend"said Billy.
Billy felt his nose and ears and look at the mirror.
"Argh!"He called his mum "I"m going to bed.
But instead he go to internet for cure.
He falled asleep and tired out.
his mum came.Time for school.
"I cant go mum i look like and elephant.
"Dont be silly what an esxuse she said.
"Hooray! Ican go for school.

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